James is a Solutions Engineer at Code for America. They enjoy the
challenge of finding technical solutions to problems that affect everyday people
and organizing others around those solutions.
Before joining Code for America, James joined the civic tech industry as an Infrastructure Engineer at Nava PBC. They led the logging team for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) cloud hosting platform; improving the reliability of the platform’s logging services and reducing their infrastructure costs by more than 70%.
In their last role in the private sector, James was a Cloud Software Engineer for Acquia. They helped to design and develop distributed data systems for Acquia’s cloud hosting platform. Additionally, they acted as scrum master for the team and led the organization’s agile guild.
As a Lead Developer at [AllPlayers.com][alplayers], James led and managed a team of developers to build community management and e-commerce services for organizations such as YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and USA Rugby. They also worked with the organization to enable developers to contribute back to the Drupal community.
James’ first role after graduating was as a Software Engineer for WorkXpress. As a small startup, their role was multi-faceted and included various technical and engineering responsibilities. Along with a small team, they built a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that allowed users to build business applications. This is the role where James began working with the Cloud.
James graduated from Central Penn College in 2007, receiving a bachelor’s degree in IT with a concentration in Applications Development. They also hold a Professional Scum Master (PSM) certification from Scrum.org.
In their free time, James enjoys reading, video games, tabletop games, hiking, and cycling.
James is Non-Binary and uses they/them pronouns.